Account setup FAQs

Frequently asked questions about Account setup.

What web3 wallets does the SlingShot app currently support?

The SlingShot app currently supports MetaMask.

How do I connect my web3 wallet to the SlingShot app?

You can locate the "Connect Wallet" button at the top of each page on the SlingShot app. Clicking "Connect Wallet" will open up the login window. Select 'Metamask', enabling you to sign in with your wallet. After signing in, you will grant the SlingShot app permission to read your wallet information. If you do not have a web3 MetaMask wallet, a convenient on-screen link for downloading it will appear when you click "Connect Wallet." Download MetaMask to proceed. Alternatively, you can connect with Google or Discord.

Where can I get Metamask?

Visit Please ensure you double-check the link before accessing it through a Google search. Scammers are known to create similar URLs and advertise them to appear above the authentic URL, leading to potential security risks. Here is a handy wallet setup video:

Last updated